Sex & Relationship

4 Effective Ways to Reignite Passion in Your Marriage

When my husband and I were first married, I loved the way he looked when he was in the kitchen cooking. He’d always throw a dish towel over his shoulder. It was cute and sexy. He still does it, but now I often hear myself saying, “Where’s the towel? You keep hogging it!” He responds with, “You used to like it!” The joys of marriage!

As much as we try to keep the passion alive, life has a way of zapping it out of the things that used to make our hearts skip a beat. But all hope is not lost! If you want to know how to bring passion back into a marriage, there are 4 things you can do in as few as 30 seconds a day. Tell your husband about them so you can go after this goal together. To make them easy to remember, all four start with the letter T.

Maintaining passion in a marriage can be difficult as time goes by, but there are ways to bring it back. The following four tips, all starting with the letter T, can help reignite the spark in a relationship in just 30 seconds a day.

1. Touch

love language physical touch

When was the last time you and your partner shared a passionate kiss? Dr. Cheryl Fraser, a Certified Gottman Therapist, recommends giving your partner a passionate kiss goodnight every night to help bring back intimacy. Another idea is to share a three-breath hug, syncing your breaths together.

2. Talk

boyfriend and girlfriend talking

Complimenting your partner can make them feel valued and attractive, which can help rekindle the passion in your relationship. Practice exchanging compliments every day, even if it feels forced at first.

3. Tease

Flirting and teasing your partner can build anticipation and excitement, which can lead to increased passion in your relationship. Leave notes for each other, send flirty texts, and make eye contact from across the room to add some spice to your daily routine.

4. Tantalize


Tantalizing your partner’s senses can also help reignite passion in your relationship. Whisper sweet nothings in their ear, wear a special perfume or cologne, or light candles to set the mood.

Commit to practicing these four tips with your partner every day for 30 days to see if it helps bring back the passion in your marriage. It may feel forced at first, but as you both get into the habit, you may find that these simple actions are helping to strengthen your bond.

What do you do to build passion in your marriage?

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