Sex & Relationship

5 Dangerous Sex Positions – More Pain Than Sexual Pleasure

Coitus is an activity meant to give the utmost pleasure. But do you know it could also be potentially dangerous when you try certain sex positions in your quest to experience the best sex ever? Yes, this is very much possible, and you must be aware of it to stay safe.

Over the years most prevalent causes of penis injury are brought about by various potentially dangerous sex positions which are often used by couples. Some of them can lead to fracture of an erect penis and may cause a rupture in the cylinder lining responsible for the erection. Around 10 to 30 percent of the penis fracture cases recorded, it was noticed that the urethra is damaged and there could be gushes of blood in the urinary opening.

6 Common Dangerous Sex Positions  

There are several dangerous sex positions that are considered harmful for the optimal functioning of the sexual organs.

  1. Incline leg
  2. The bodybuilder
  3. The London Bridge
  4. The triple lady
  5. Reverse Cowgirl

Not only that, but all these sex positions are also quite difficult to perform and they can cause irreparable damage to the penis. Even though you may think that it is fairly easy to understand if there had been damaged, the truth is that most men are hardly able to understand what has happened. And, most of the men are not ready to admit that they are not in control of their sexual functions, while some others don’t want to acknowledge their injury.

Prevent Injury from Dangerous Sex Positions

If you want to avoid such injury, you must never experiment with dangerous sexual activity unusually or masturbate in an undesired way. If your penis is injured, it will leave a long-lasting impact on the quality of life you lead. Even though the initial pain may subside within a couple of days, the dangerous side effects will show up later.


After performing sexual activities that can be harmful to the sex organs can include loss of morning erection, pain during ejaculation, pain during erection, unsustainable erection, gross curvature, and even shrinkage of the penis. Nobody would ever want to face all these issues by experimenting with your penis.

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