
5 Essential Vitamins to Include in Your Diet in 2023

Our bodies need a variety of vitamins and minerals to work properly. Without them, we can experience serious health problems. For example, not getting enough iron, folate, and vitamins A and B12 can lead to anemia, while low levels of vitamin D can lead to weakened bones and fractures. It’s important to get enough of these nutrients, but it’s best to get them from food instead of supplements.

If you’re looking to make a New Year’s resolution that’s focused on your health, consider adding more of these essential vitamins to your diet. Dr. Fauziya Ansari, a dietitian at Apollo Spectra Mumbai, recommends including the following vitamins in your diet:

1. Vitamin A


This vitamin is essential for our growth and development, as well as for our vision, immune function, and reproduction. You can find it in sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, leafy vegetables, mangoes, and papayas.

2. Vitamin B12

vitamin b12

This vitamin helps keep our nerves and blood cells healthy. You can get it from fish, poultry, milk, and fortified breakfast cereals. Some people may need to take vitamin B12 supplements to get enough.

3. Vitamin C

vitamin c

This vitamin plays a vital role in controlling infections and healing wounds. You can find it in orange juice, kiwi, strawberries, peppers, broccoli, and tomatoes.

4. Vitamin D

vitamin d food

Also known as the sunshine vitamin, it helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in our bodies. We can get it from sunlight, fatty fish, fish liver oils, and milk products.

5. Vitamin E

vitamin e

This vitamin is important for our brain, skin, and vision. You can find it in almonds, avocados, pumpkin seeds, blackberries, apricots, raspberries, broccoli, and spinach.

Remember, it’s always better to get your vitamins and minerals from food rather than supplements. So, let’s focus on a well-balanced diet and say goodbye to junk, processed, oily, and canned foods in the New Year. Let’s make 2023 a healthy and happy year!

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