
5 Fitness Goals That You Should Stick To For Overall Physical And Mental Health

With December coming to an end, it’s time to think about healthy lifestyle goals to add to your New Year’s resolution. Focusing exclusively on weight loss can harm the body in the long term by causing nutrient deficiency to slow metabolism. While weight loss is a healthy goal to aspire for, focusing exclusively on weight loss or adopting unrealistic methods to achieve it may backfire. Instead, make healthy changes in your lifestyle to attain optimal health and well-being. Aman Puri, Founder of Steadfast Nutrition made a comprehensive list of resolutions for 2023 to help you reach your fitness goals.

5 Fitness Goals That You Should Stick to in 2023:

1. Take out time for breakfast

Take out time for breakfast

Breakfast is essential. Getting adequate calories early in the morning, including protein, helps in weight loss by replenishing energy levels throughout the day and reducing cravings (which adds extra calories to the diet). A high-protein breakfast boosts metabolism and helps us consume lesser calories later in the day, leading to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.

2. Avoid Skipping meals

Avoid Skipping meals

Skipping meals slows metabolism, making us burn less energy, which causes weight gain. Long gaps between meals and not eating throughout the day can cause nausea, diarrhoea, and constipation. Persistently skipping meals can impact health by causing nutritional deficiencies.

3. Set realistic goals

Set realistic goals

Setting unrealistic goals can lead to disappointment. So, it’s better to make a realistic weight loss goal by embracing a healthy lifestyle for long-term weight loss and maintenance. One can aim to loose 1/2 to 1 kg weight weekly, which implies 2 to 4 kg monthly. No matter what our objectives are, physical activity benefits everyone because it helps maintain health and wellness.

4. Have a balanced diet, keep yourself hydrated

Have a balanced diet, keep yourself hydrated

A balanced diet provides our body with the nutrients it needs to function well, preventing diseases, infections, and fatigue. Include adequate protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Don’t ignore water intake- water naturally suppresses appetite, increases satiety, and helps expel waste. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily for optimal hydration.

5. Take supplements if required

Take supplements if required

Dietary supplements are not medicines- they can’t cure or treat any disease. However, nutritional supplements prevent nutrient deficiencies, boost energy, build muscle, and burn fat, helping in weight loss.

6. Boost your mental health

Boost your mental health

Mental health includes emotional, social, and physiological well-being and is vital for a happy life. Stress and poor mental health can make us more susceptible to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Focus on mental health by meditating, exercising, yoga, dancing, or pursuing a hobby. Being mentally healthy can promote productivity and result in weight loss as well.

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