
5 Morning Habits that can help prevent Obesity and should be followed consistently?

Obesity is a growing concern that leads to various health problems. While there’s a lot of information available on social media about staying fit and healthy, it can get overwhelming. Apart from watching what you eat, it’s crucial to incorporate certain habits into your daily routine to combat obesity. Shedding weight isn’t easy, but it can be achieved with the right diet and exercise.

To learn about some healthy morning habits to fight obesity, Health Shots spoke with nutritionist Avni Kaul. Here are some tips:

1. Start your day with warm water

Start your day with warm water

Drinking 1-2 glasses of warm or lukewarm water with lemon and honey can help boost your metabolism and aid in weight loss.

2. Exercise regularly

Exercise regularly

It’s essential to exercise for at least 25-30 minutes a day to keep your body healthy. You can do light exercises at home if you’re short on time.

3. Get sunlight

Get sunlight

The first rays of the sun in the morning are rich in vitamin D, which is essential for our body. Soak in some sunlight to get a dose of this nutrient and positive energy.

4. Never skip breakfast

Never skip breakfast

Skipping breakfast can lead to weight gain rather than weight loss, as it can make you binge eat later in the day.

5. Plan your meals

Plan your meals

Jot down what you plan to eat during the day to become more mindful of your food choices. This can help you opt for low-calorie foods and avoid calorie-dense snacks. By planning ahead, you take charge of your health.

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