5 Side Effects of Pistachio Nuts That You Should NOT Ignore

Pistachios are one of the most delicious nuts, as well as an important component of the nut family with numerous health benefits. Pistachio has been one of the most popular foods and it is used in chocolates, ice cream, candies, desserts and other dishes. You’re undoubtedly all aware of pistachios special qualities. Even then, you might be interested to know that this delectable nut can be toxic to certain people and has a slew of negative side effects that you won’t be aware of.

Side Effects of Pistachio Nuts :

Digestive Problems

Pistachios include dietary fiber that is beneficial to our stomachs and aids in gastrointestinal health. Even said, having too much fiber can lead to diarrhoea, abdominal pain and cramps in our stomachs. So, try to consume Pistachios in moderation.

Weight gain

Pistachios are such easy treats to have that you may find yourself to eat it in excess. It’s worth noting, though, that your daily pistachio consumption could be the source of your weight increase. As a result, if you’re trying to lose weight, you should keep track of how much pistachios you eat in a day.

Harmful for kidneys

Pistachios are high in potassium. Too much potassium can harm our kidneys. High potassium intake in the diet should be avoided by people with kidney diseases. Excessive consumption of Pistachios  can also lead to nausea, weakness, slow pulse, and  irregular heartbeat.

High Blood Pressure

The majority of the pistachios we eat are roasted, which means they have a high salt level. Sodium overconsumption raises the risk of cardiovascular disease. It also causes high blood pressure, which can be dangerous in the long run.

Not Suitable for people with high temper

Pistachio seeds are heated and dry, according to traditional medicine, they are not good for people with a bad temper. Therefore, such people can eat pistachios with vinegar or sour apricot leaves to ease heat and dryness.

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