5 Signs You are Dating a Wrong Women

Dating nowadays became impatient and relentless. There’s a proverb “Behind every successful man their a women” and Behind every Unsuccessful man their the women’s emotional torture.

1. Extremely possessive

They don’t let him move for even a day. Freedom is what you give to the one you love. Not even a dog, likes to stay with the collar belt and you couldn’t stop a man even if it meant staying close.

2. Extremely Complaining

Complaining about everything going around. She dislikes everything around her. Love is all about acceptance. It is about finding harmony and peace

3. Anger Issue

They never accept a “No” even if they are wrong. They would fight over it and force you to be in her favor. Anger is the weapon of the devil used to destroy things. Love spreads joy

4. Extremely Impatient

If she text you, you should reply fast or else you get blocked. If she calls you, pick it up or she’ll end up calling again and again. Love is also about patience, else is just attachment and lust.

5. Confused

Duality was considered as their motto of life. Be it career or life. They are always on two boats. This kind of person will drive you insane. They can’t take decisions and will always have two minds. They don’t know what they do? Why they do? If they really want to do? Then they will blame you. Clarity is everything or else you’ll gonna ruin lives around you.

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