5 Tips That Would Make Women Chase You

1. Listen and Hangout

If you want to become better with women then listen and if possible even hang out with men that are already good with women. Usually, most guys tend to envy and even hate other men that are good with women. For this reason, they avoid them and also never learn anything. Instead of doing that, you should try to hang out with them. You may learn more in a few hours around this men than you would in months of reading books or whatever.

2. Being Sexually Comfortable

Being comfortable with your sexuality means being comfortable with the fact that you find women sexy and you want to be evolved with them sexually. You are brutally honest about your sexual interest towards women without excuses. I have friends that are very sexual in everything they do. From the way they dress, the way they first look women in the eyes, the way they immediately tell women that they find them attractive. There’s nothing subtle about their approach. They aren’t trying to be first friends with women and then after several months, they all suddenly come out of their shells and tell a girl that they love her. This is what many nice guys do and that’s why they suck with women. Instead, these guys are brutally honest about their sexual interests and they are the ones having the greatest success.

3. Improving Your Social Skills

The best way to improve your social skills is by practicing, practicing and practicing even more and more and more. The more interactions you have with men and women the more comfortable and confident you become.

4. Practice Courage

A lot of people talk about confidence without really knowing how it’s built. However, confidence is built by practicing courage. In other words by taking risks. In this case mostly by taking social risks and also sexual risks. This is how you get comfortable under your own skin.

This is what builds confidence. The more comfortable you get with yourself and interacting with women, the more women will find you attractive. It is when you reach a point that you have an abundance of women in your life because your lifestyle and way of attracting them easily.

5. Not Giving a Fuck

I mean by your way of being, that you no longer give a fuck if a girl likes you or not because you know there are plenty of women out there that dig the shit out of you and you start living on your own terms. That’s when women will start pursuing you. But for that to happen, first you have to get out of your comfort zone by approaching women, being honest about your sexual interest, and facing other social fears you got.

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