6 Super Foods To Add To Your Eating Routine

“Superfoods” are certain foods containing nutrients that are highly beneficial to your health. Junk food, though delicious, often leave you with a stomach ache and feeling extra lethargic. If you want to improve your health and drop the midnight Taco Bell runs, or simply add a couple of healthy “staples” to your weekly meal plan, then these foods will give you an excellent place to start your healthy eating journey.

1. Fish

Fish, including anything from salmon to canned tuna, contain healthy fats called omega-3’s. These types of fats help tame inflammation within the arteries. Omega-3’s are also a potent superfood that helps reduce heart disease risk. If you don’t love cooking large meals, another option would be to purchase the canned version of any fish. This way, you can still consume your omega-3’s without having to go to all the work of cooking the fish for your meal.

2. Oatmeal

Do you struggle with your cholesterol levels? Studies have shown that eating a bowl of oatmeal daily helps with your daily fiber intake and can significantly bring down your cholesterol levels. Oatmeal is known to help block the absorption of cholesterol into the body. Whether you prefer oatmeal plain or like to add brown sugar and fruit, this is a great food to include in your breakfast diet.

3. Avocado

Are you looking for a superfood that surpasses all of the rest? Avocado is your new best friend! Avocados are considered to be the “ultimate” superfood as they are loaded with potassium, healthy fatty acids and are a great source of fiber. If you are looking for a simple way to add these to your dietary routine, try a piece of toast in the morning with some avocado on top!

4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain useful nutrients like Vitamin C and carotenoids. Carotenoids are responsible for giving tomatoes their color but are also known for providing our skin with sun protection. Who knew tomatoes could double as an added SPF?

5. Green Tea

Not only does this drink contain a modest amount of caffeine to help you with a morning pick-me-up, but it also contains some health benefits too. Green Tea is full of rich antioxidants and polyphenolic compounds, which help reduce inflammation throughout the body. Green Tea is also known to help protect against serious diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Not only is it delicious, but a great beverage to reach for when considering your health.

6. Eggs

Even though eggs are controversial due to their high cholesterol content, they remain a healthy choice to make at breakfast time. Eggs contain many nutrients such as Vitamin B, choline, selenium, vitamin A, iron, and phosphorus. Eggs also have a few rich antioxidants to help with vision health. As long as you are not consuming too many eggs per week, high cholesterol should not be a problem, and you can reap the many health benefits they provide.

These superfoods are great options to help get you on track for the “healthy” lifestyle you crave. Whether you add one or all of these into your diet, they will make your body and skin feel amazing. Good health is essential and can be achieved in even the simplest of ways. Begin by changing up your diet and including one of these highly valuable ingredients.

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