
7 Things That You Must AVOID in Your 30s to Keep Your Bones Healthy

Bone health in the 30s: Infusion of bone minerals during adolescence, early adulthood, and childhood. While it’s important to develop strong, healthy bones during childhood and adolescence, there are things you can do as an adult to maintain bone health. Different diets and lifestyles can help develop strong bones and maintain them as you age. Nutritionist Anjali Mukerjee says, “With only 20-30% absorbed of the total calcium ingested, there are certain foods that actually prevent absorption and ultimately promote bone loss.”


  1. Soft drinks are rich in sugar and caffeine. They also contain phosphoric acid as a preservative, which is involved in bone loss.
  2. Excessive intake of animal protein caused urinary calcium loss
  3. Caffeine in tea, cocoa, chocolate and coffee increases calcium excretion.
  4. Smoking and chewing tobacco also robs the body of calcium stores, as nicotine affects calcium absorption.
  5. Excessive salt and sugar intake increases calcium excretion.
  6. A person with a small stature and less muscle mass also tends to store less calcium
  7. A sedentary lifestyle robs your body of calcium stores. Taking up any physical activity like walking, running or jogging will help prevent bone loss.

There are many things we can do to maintain strong and healthy bones, such as eating foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, exercising frequently, and living a healthy lifestyle.

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