Sex & Relationship

Bedtime Routine for Better Intimacy Couples Need To Know

What we do in bed at night has a great effect on our love relationship. We are so busy in our life that we even don’t bother about what’s happening in our partners life. So if you want to build a strong relationship with your partner adapt some Bedtime Routines for Better Intimacy and you’ll have a more deeply connected and fulfilling relationship in no time.

Bedtime Routines for Better Intimacy in your relationship.

1. Keep Phones away

Not only is having zero electronic light in your bedroom fantastic for your sleep hygiene, it’s also great for your relationship. Turn your phones off, light a candle or two, and prioritize your connection with your partner for just a few minutes before you doze off.

Keep Phones away
Keep Phones away

2. Sleeping naked at Night

Sleeping naked has proven many health benefits (it regulates cortisol, better for men’s and women’s genital health, better for your skin, etc.) and it also allows you and your partner to have more skin on skin contact, resulting in more Oxycontin release. Your body benefits, your quality of sleep benefits, and your cuddling ability is boosted. Plus, morning sex is much easier when you both wake up naked!

Sleeping naked at Night
Sleeping naked at Night

3. Extended cuddling

It’s been proven that extended cuddling releases large amount of Oxycontin. Some people say that reading a book, or scrolling through their Facebook feed makes them drowsy before bed. Well, guess what? Cuddling does that even better than reading, plus it re-connects you with your partner physically as well as emotionally. So Bring back the cuddles!

Extended cuddling

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4. Massage

Maybe you had a rough day. Maybe someone yelled at you. Maybe your shoulders are sore from trying out a new kind of kick-boxing class that you did earlier in the day. Whatever your reasons are for wanting to receive or give more touch, massage is a great tool for connection and relaxation. Just give your partner a rub down gently with love.

5. Have sex

Do you know having sex is one of the best way that you can re-connect as a couple? Yes. Sex comes in many forms, and it will totally depend on you and your partners moods. Maybe you make out for a while, while touching each other’s butts. Maybe you hold each other’s face in your hands and list off five things that you love about each other. Maybe one or both of you gets a spoiling session. Maybe you engage in oral and penetrative sex for multiple hours in a cyclical, non-linear fashion where you both climax multiple times. The options are limitless!

Have sex
couple in love

So try these Bedtime Routines for Better Intimacy in your relationship as soon as possible and don’t forget to share this with friends by hitting down the share buttons below.

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