Home Remedies

Constipation Treatment: 5 Kitchen Foods To Ease Your Bowel Movement In Winter

The slow metabolism that many people encounter in the winter makes it challenging for them to have regular bowel movements and a clear stomach. As a result, many people who experience constipation discover that the issue also persists for a long time. The typical causes include lifestyle factors, reduced intake of fibre, water, and exercise. Diabetes, thyroid, kidney, heart, stroke, and spinal cord issues are a few disorders that are linked to constipation.

Excessive intake of dry, cold, spicy, fried and fast food, not drinking enough water, less fibre in food, poor metabolism, disturbed sleep pattern, late dinner and sedentary lifestyle, among others trigger constipation and make bowel movements uncomfortable and challenging, as per Ayurveda expert Dr Dixa Bhavsar Savaliya. The expert further shares kitchen foods to ease your bowel movements in Winter.


  1. Overnight Soaked Raisins: Black raisins are full of fibre, which might give stools bulk and facilitate easy passage. The raisins must be soaked because dried foods might upset the stomach. After soaking, they are simple to digest.
  2. Fenugreek Seeds: You can soak 1 teaspoon of methi seeds overnight and consume them first thing in the morning. The seeds can also be ground into a powder, which you can take at bedtime with 1 teaspoon of warm water.
  3. Amla Shot:  Amla is a fantastic laxative that also aids with weight loss, hair fall, grey hair, and other health issues when taken daily on an empty stomach in the morning. Amla can also be eaten as a fruit or a powder, depending on your preference.
  4. Cow Milk: Milk is a natural laxative that works for practically everyone, including young children and the elderly. also available to expectant mothers. It only takes a glass of warm milk before bed.
  5. Cow Ghee:  Your metabolism is enhanced by cow ghee. Maintaining appropriate body fat is important for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K.

Constipation is a frequent ailment that can be prevented with the right care and attention, but it is likely to recur.

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