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High Uric Acid? 8 Ayurvedic Tips To Manage Joint Pain And Swelling In Winter

High Uric Acid Ayurvedic Treatment: Joint pain and swelling are problems brought on by arthritis. This condition can be prevented if the body’s uric acid levels are kept under control. Due to its danger in larger concentrations, uric acid is often eliminated from the body by urine or the kidney. While it tends to develop more frequently in the spring, in certain situations it can also deteriorate over the winter. Some foods should be avoided since they make the issue worse, regardless of the season. These symptoms can be lessened and temporary relief can be obtained by eliminating specific foods from the diet. Ayurveda expert Dr Dixa Bhavsar Savaliya shares some common causes of high uric acid levels like low metabolism (poor gut health), sedentary life, consumption of more proteins and less fat, heavy dinners, no sleeping and eating pattern, less intake of water, kidney dysfunction in elderly patients and eating excessive meat.


  1. Exercise Everyday For 45 Min
  2. Drink Enough Water
  3. Don’t Consume Lentils or Beans And Wheat For Dinner
  4. Practice Early And Light Dinner
  5. Consume Sour Fruits Like Amla, Berries, etc.
  6. Work on Metabolism
  7. Manage Your Stress
  8. Sound Sleep For Digestion And Assimilation


Gout, the elevated version of high uric acid levels is one of the prevalent conditions. One of the most effective and amazing ayurvedic herbs for gout is guduchi, commonly known as giloy, according to the ayurveda expert.

If you have the plant at home, you can use it easily. Soak them overnight, crush and boil them in the morning in 1 glass of water until it gets half, strain and drink. You can also use it in other forms- Juice, powder or tablets.

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