
How do you improve your fitness and stamina?

Anyone can improve their fitness & stamina in 21 days as this time period is enough to form a habit. I give you 10 steps that I have followed in the past one and a half year and lost 25 kgs to improve my fitness and stamina gradually to a higher level.

  1. Begin your day early around 5–6 a.m. with 1 glass of lukewarm water with half lemon.
  2. Go for a brisk walk or jog or yoga for 20–30 minutes till you sweat. Don’t forget to stretch after your morning workout.
  3. Take a shower and have a nutritious breakfast loaded with healthy protein, good fats & complex carbs along with fresh fruits.
  4. Remain active throughout the day if you have a sedentary job. Leave your laptop for every 45–50 minutes and go for a walk for a coffee break or a mini walk to your colleague to bitch about your boss. Idea is to keep moving. I have got an activity tracker app in my phone which is motivating me to keep moving.
  5. Go for homemade lunch with good protein, fats & complex carbs along with a salad bowl.
  6. 20 minutes walk is a must post-lunch. It will keep you from dozing off on your desk.
  7. Snack on fresh fruits, dry fruits & nuts and seeds.
  8. In the evening you can play a game of your choice like badminton, table tennis or do strength training at a gym or go for some bodyweight exercises at home.
  9. Have your dinner before 8 pm.
  10. Sleep for 6–7 hours to completely recharge your body and mind.

All the best to become your fitter self!

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