How to get your Husband in the Mood for Sex

First of all, know that it’s very normal to notice a change in your man’s sexual drive after marriage. The reasons could be many, so don’t feed yourself the thought that he doesn’t find you attractive anymore. Take the necessary steps instead to make sure your husband gets in the mood, especially when you want his attention. Don’t force anything but trying these things will definitely get him in the mood to share intimate moments with you.

Initiate Sex

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Initiate sex: One of the simplest ways to get your husband’s attention in bed is to be the one who initiates sex. Don’t always wait for him to take the lead. It can get boring for him to always take charge and seduce you to be physically intimate with you. Turn the table at times and see how quickly it changes the mood for your spouse.

Become the Sexy Masseuse


Become the sexy masseuse: Once in a while, it’s okay to give your man a relaxing massage. You have no idea how a massage can turn your man’s mood around. Take some effort, dress up sexy and offer him a massage. Your husband is never going to say no to that kind of pampering from you. You can use your words and whisper them in his earns while you lather his body with some soothing oil and massage your way out.

Keep Instilling Ideas in his Mind

Keep instilling ideas in his mind: Another simple way to get your spouse sexually aroused is by helping him picture in advance the sexual encounter between you two. Make noises, whisper something sensual into his ears, let him know what you expect in bed from him and what he can expect out of you. You can also ping his phone with sexy messages to get him in the mood.

Change the way you Dress

Change the way you dress: Men are visual creatures. If you keep dressing the same way, your man gets used to seeing you just the same every single day and there’s nothing new for him to look at. Sometimes, switch your loose-fitting clothes for body-hugging ones that highlight your assets. Put on some light makeup and look comfortable yet sexy. This will guarantee your husband checking you out and he will definitely need some time with you in the bedroom.

Surprise him in the Shower

Surprise him in the shower: Once in a while, you can surprise him in the shower by simply hopping in with him. There’s something steamy and sensual about the whole idea of having a shower together. It could lead to kissing which could ultimately even lead to sex. Sometimes, you can quit the sexual routine in the bedroom and heat up things in the shower.

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