Sex & Relationship

Love Is About Mutual Growth And Acceptance, Not About Changing Your Partner

When a person loves someone, he or she cannot spend even a minute without this person. Therefore, when two people love each other unconditionally, they support each other to develop into better human beings. This love comes without an unseen plan or an ulterior motive.

People who are in True love would not set any terms or conditions with each other. They identify their own imperfections and flaws with time. However, they focus on the good qualities and aspects of their partners. They do not expect their partners to be someone’s and accept their partners as they are for the rest of their lives.

If you think that you are able to control someone and remove their imperfections, you must consider yourself lucky. before you set on a quest to change your partner, look for what you need to change within yourself first.

The best thing you can do is trying to recognize what should be changed about your partner. Afterward, allow yourself to fall in love with imperfections. You will soon realize that both of you will eventually change for the better.

On the other hand, the change must commence with you. If the love is real to each other, you will encourage each other to become the best version of yourselves. You can be a person that they deserve and vice versa.

The change will come soon from the inside. Therefore you would not try to force each other to change. You will have each other’s backs.

If your love is very real, You will always sacrifice your wants for their benefit. If you think that your relationship will last only for a small period, you avoid such things.

The way you treat yourself is a reflection of how you will let other people treat you. Therefore, it is important to understand that you need to change within yourself first. You should learn to love yourself first to love other people.

Love is a friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.

-Ann Landers

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