Sex & Relationship

These changes take place in women’s bodies after they start having sex

Losing one’s virginity opens doors to a lot of health benefits in addition to the never-ending bliss it has in store. While being sexually active can relieve people of many mental and even physical health issues, life changes in many more ways.

For women, getting a lot of sex is just the beginning, since their bodies undergo several changes and the way they see life also transforms. Here are six major changes that women experience in their body when they start having sex.

1. Breasts become firmer

After you do it for the first time, both your southern and northern parts might hurt a little. But it’s nothing to worry about. A few days on, you’ll start noticing a visible change in your breast size and its firmness. You have your naughty deed to thank for it. However, breast size keeps fluctuating through seasons and according to age. But take my word for it, and start looking for new bras.

2. Nipples become more sensitive

Another effect of getting more sex is that it triggers more blood flow and muscular tension in some areas including the nipple and the areola which is the part surrounding the nipple. This process called vasocongestion makes nipples hard, gives goose bumps and can even lead to an orgasm.  But the nipples become sensitive in general, which means they can get hard even when one has an erotic thought.

3. Happy Hormones are in abundance

Sex releases all our happy hormones – serotonin, endorphins and oxytocin. All these hormones are released in our bodies before, during and after sex. They flood our brains, make us feel light, stress-free, comfortable and kinda in love with ourselves.

4. The world seems like a better place

Sex actually makes you more cheerful and once again oxytocin, aptly known as the happy hormone, is responsible for it. Women release much more oxytocin then men during sex, and this can suddenly make a person very cheerful. Meanwhile dopamine makes people more confident and testosterone can make you more assertive.

5. The clitoris and uterus learn how to respond

While the vagina may seem inactive before losing one’s virginity, you’ll be amazed to find out how it can learn to function by expanding and contracting on its own. Before and during sexual intercourse, the clitoris swells and the uterus rises a bit, which is something they remember to do the next time you have sex.

6. Elasticity of the vagina changes

The vagina learns to stretch more (Photo: YouTube)

By elasticity, we don’t mean that more sex = looser vagina. 

After losing virginity, the vagina adjusts to the activity by stretching a bit more than before. When you are aroused enough, the lips of the vagina open up to welcome whatever comes its way. This then gets added to the memory and the vagina behaves accordingly then onwards. That’s why having sex frequently can make penetration more comfortable.

It just means that before, during and after your first time, your vagina learns a neat trick of welcoming ‘it’ in. In fact, there are only two things that can make your vagina ‘looser’ and that is, natural childbirth and age. So that is the most important thing among Body Changes After Sex.

7. Lubrication feels completely different

After women start having sex, the wetness is not the same ever again. While masturbation might make a woman feel wet while going solo, the wetness coming from arousal by a partner is much more intense. Lubrication then also keeps on varying for the rest of a person’s life depending on emotional state and menstrual cycle.

This information is collected from multiple sources, Hope you like it pease do comments

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