
Winter Diet: 6 Indian Foods To Keep You Warm In The Cold Season

Winter Warm Foods: Winter is here and it’s the time to huddle inside under a warm blanket as the chilly winds sweep the outdoors. The weather is getting colder every day, which could be bad for health and immunity. Winter also weakens our body’s defences against bacteria and viruses, increasing our vulnerability to diseases including the flu, COVID-19, and respiratory ailments, among others. It’s crucial to shield yourself from the cold weather while also enjoying the cold weather. Some specific foods can support a faster metabolism and keep you energetic all day.


1. Onion

Onions are known to enhance sweating, which raises body temperature to resist the cold. A wonderful warm bowl of onion soup would seem like bliss during this time, in addition to adding heaps of onions to your recipes or eating them as salads.

2. Desi Ghee

Every meal is improved by Desi ghee in terms of both health and flavor. Ghee’s fats aid with digestion in the winter, remove toxins, strengthen the immune system, and keep you warm.

3. Mustard Oil

 One of the healthiest cooking oils is mustard oil, often known by the name Sarson Ka Tel. And because it has the ability to generate heat, it is the finest choice for cooking in the winter. This winter, swap up your standard cooking oil for mustard oil.

4. Jaggery

Jaggery expands blood vessels and provides the body with enough energy to keep it warm.

5. Ginger

In addition to having antibacterial characteristics that help fight off illnesses like colds and coughs, ginger has thermogenic properties that raise body warmth.

6. Millets

High-energy meals include pseudo-grains like bajra, ragi, and amaranth. They include maize starch, which over time produces energy.

It’s time to get ready and treat yourself to some delicious foods that are best to keep you warm during colder months.

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